Tightly Integrated Fuzzy Description Logic Programs under the Answer Semantics for the Semantic Web

In Progressive Concepts for Semantic Web Evolution: Applications and Developments, 2010.

We present a novel approach to fuzzy dl-programs under the answer set semantics, which is a tight integration of fuzzy disjunctive programs under the answer set semantics with fuzzy description logics. From a different perspective, it is a generalization of tightly integrated disjunctive dl-programs by fuzzy vagueness in both the description logic and the logic program component. We show that the new formalism faithfully extends both fuzzy disjunctive programs and fuzzy description logics, and that under suitable assumptions, reasoning in the new formalism is decidable. Furthermore, we present a polynomial reduction of certain fuzzy dl-programs to tightly integrated disjunctive dl-programs. We also provide a special case of fuzzy dl-programs for which deciding consistency and~query processing have both a polynomial data complexity.