Aggregations Operators and Fuzzy OWL 2

In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-11).

Abstract: Fuzzy Description Logics (Fuzzy DLs) are logics that allow to deal with structured knowledge affected by fuzziness. Fuzzy DLs are at the heart of Fuzzy OWL 2, a fuzzy version of the standard ontology language OWL 2. Although a relatively important amount of work has been carried out in the last years, fuzzy DLs are open to be extended with several features worked out in other fields. In particular, the integration of aggregation operators in fuzzy DLs has received little attention so far.

In this work, we show how to support aggregation operators (AOs) in fuzzy DLs. We provide syntax and semantics of a fuzzy DL extended with AOs, and provide a calculus for a family of AOs (weighted sum, OWA and quantifier-guided OWA). We also show how to encode them into our proposal for Fuzzy OWL 2.