A Framework for the Retrieval of Multimedia Objects Based on Four-Valued Fuzzy Description Logics.

In Soft Computing in Information Retrieval: Techniques and Applications, Fabio Crestani and Gabriella Pasi, eds. Physica Verlag (Springer Verlag). Heidelberg, Germany, 1999.

Abstract: Description Logics are object-oriented representation formalisms
capturing the most popular features of structured representation of knowledge. Among their several application domains, they have been applied in the context of the so-called logic-based
approach to multimedia information retrieval. In this paper we present a four-valued fuzzy DL which, combining non-classical (relevance) four-valued semantics with a fuzzy semantics, allows
both the treatment of the inherent notions of uncertainty and relevance in multimedia object
content representation and retrieval, and to deal with possible inconsistencies which may arise among these representations.